Every one is getting enough salary... But why most of us tell we are lil bit tight this month, I mean the dialogues, "Dude not this month, I need to pay my Credit Card", "Two months EMI pending, Cant we execute this plan after two months", "This month end salary, will surely go for tour to that place".
Some serious problem with maintaining our balance sheets. The economic crisis had already started effecting your balance sheets. Most of us try to fulfill the thirst to buy the stuffs which we used to dream when we were using papa's paise. So first 6 months after joining the first job, we will spend all the money in these.
By this time we will get a Credit Card, may be two or three. There is a proverb, maintaining credit card is not easy. Coz Banks will show the only positive side. Once you start paying you will do all the trail and errors, and bank will start getting the profits by our silly mistakes. So next six months you will spend time and money in understanding the Credit card problems. By this time, the banks will start tempting you to take the personal loans, otherwise you will be tempted to take a vehicle loan. Arey everyone come to office by car why not me Bhaad mey jaaye global warming. Let me survive attitude will creep inside you.
And If you are popular enough in your relatives and friends that you earn so and so much of money, you get calls from from a friend or relative who never bothered about you when you were not earning.
Lo Bhai... If this keeps going like this, when will you get time to save money. Govt knows all these, so they forcefully ask you to invest in mutual funds to save tax, at least let a small part of your money be safe for next two three years.
Lets learn to save money. So that the dialogues which I told in the beginning will be just for the sake to escape for the people who always ask you money.